Sung by Lebanon County Youth Chorus, from

Download MP3. Sheet music for “Fierce Raged the Tempest” can be found at

1 Fierce raged the tempest o’er the deep,
watch did Thine anxious servants keep,
but Thou wast wrapped in guileless sleep,
calm and still.

2 “Save, Lord, we perish!” was their cry.
“O save us in our agony!”
Thy word above the storm rose high:
“Peace! be still.”

3 The wild winds hushed; the angry deep
sank, like a little child, to sleep;
the sullen billows ceased to leap,
at Thy will.

4 So, when our life is clouded o’er,
and storm-winds drift us from the shore,
say, lest we sink to rise no more,
“Peace! be still.”

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