Sung by Lebanon County Youth Chorus, from

Download MP3. Sheet music for “O Jesus, Grant Me Hope and Comfort” is available as a PDF, but it differs a little from the recording.

A different translation of this song, titled “O Jesus, My Sweet Hope and Comfort”, appears in Hymns of the Church, number 378. Some people prefer this 3-verse translation over the 2-verse translation below.

O Jesus, grant me hope and comfort;
O let me ne’er in sorrow pine.
My heart, my soul, yea, all my being,
O Jesus trust alone in Thee.
Thou Prince of Peace, Thou Pearl from heaven,
True God, true man, my Morning Star.
O come, Thou precious Sun most radiant,
Thy beams illumine my heart and soul.

O Jesus, with Thy advent quiet
my restless soul and anxious mind.
In true humility I welcome
Thee, Jesus Christ, my Joy divine.
My thoughts, desires, and all my longings,
I dedicate, O Christ, to Thee.
O come, Thou precious Sun most radiant,
Thy beams illumine my heart and soul.

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